Jumat, 05 Februari 2010



Richard Madiason, an Internet marketer has just created a free membership site called CBDeluxe Affiliate System. Anyone who joins CBDeluxe will obtain a Clickbank store /mall absolutely free. Here are some of the features of the ClickBankDeluxe store:

* The store is loaded with thousands of clickbank info-products with everyone containing your Clickbank affiliate link.

* The homepage of the store always provides the visitors the top 12 earning products of clickbank.

* When a visitor searches anything in CBDeluxe mall, the mall will show the most popular products first, giving you a better chance to make money.

* Weekly newsletter built-in. Your visitors can sign up for the weekly CBDeluxe newsletter in your mall and the owner will write content for your weekly newsletter and every link in the newsletter has your affiliate ID.

* It's free. No hosting cost and start-up effort required.

The downsides of CBDeluxe mall:

* You cannot choose your own template for your CBDeluxe mall. All members get the same CB mall.

* You cannot use your own domain for your CBDeluxe mall. The link to your mall will be something like http://www.cbdeluxe.com/?mall=yourID This will limit your options of driving traffic to your mall.