Selasa, 02 Februari 2010


Improve your affiliate marketing earnings

Relation between Product and Audience:

Product you are promoting should be relevant to your blog and should be of interest for your readers. You need to analyze your traffic to understand at which stage of buying cycle your readers are located. You need to understand whether you readers visit your blog after buying products or they take a decision to buy after visiting your blog. You need to create content especially for visitors who are still deciding to buy products you are going to promote.

Building Credibility:

You need to establish trust among your readers before selling anything and building trust takes time. How to build Trust? You have to share useful content on your blog which will help your reader and will establish yourself as an expert in your Niche. Nobody likes to buy a product on recommendation of a person they don’t know but they always give preference to opinions of people whom they trust or consider them as experts. Hence, you have to make your blog a reliable source of information and build trust

Promote Trusted Products:

Don’t sell Products which are not appropriate just for money. Your Readers buy products you recommend because they trust you and when they find that products you are promoting are useless they won’t come back. Your readers should always be at highest priority. So, always promote good products which are good for both you and your readers.

Give Honest Opinions:

You readers come to you because they expect to get honest opinions from you. Don’t try to oversell the products by making fake statements about it. No Product is perfect and this principle also applies to the products you are promoting. If you are writing a review then make it honest by mentions both pros and cons of product so that buyers could take a fair decision.

Complimentary Gifts:

Always Offer complimentary gifts to the readers who buy affiliate products from you. Your complimentary product should be something which your readers are looking for desperately. Many times People buy products just because of free gifts with them.

Be Transparent:

Your business policies should be transparent. Disclose your relationships with the product you are promoting. You loyal readers would prefer to buy from you, if they know that you would be getting a share of profit from their purchase. Also according to FTC guidelines, all blogs should have a disclosure policy which contains methods blog use to make money.